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Reach Out, We’re Here to Assist
No matter your inquiry, our support team is here to help. Drop us a message and we’ll respond as soon as possible.
No matter your inquiry, our support team is here to help. Drop us a message and we’ll respond as soon as possible.
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42 Market Avenue Westminster London W1B 4DE United Kingdom
42 Market Avenue Westminster London W1B 4DE United Kingdom
Common Questions & Answers
Common Questions & Answers
Here’s everything you need to know about PuuGi, from features to getting started.
Here’s everything you need to know about PuuGi, from features to getting started.
Got any specific questions?
Contact Us
How do I link my bank accounts to PuuGi?
To link your bank accounts, simply go to the "Accounts" section in the app, select "Add Account," and follow the secure authentication process. PuuGi supports most major banks and credit cards, making it easy to integrate your financial data.
Is PuuGi secure to use with my financial information?
Can I set multiple savings goals?
How do real-time budget alerts work?
Can I use PuuGi with multiple accounts and credit cards?
What insights does PuuGi provide about my spending?
Is there a free version of PuuGi?
How do automated savings work?
How do I link my bank accounts to PuuGi?
To link your bank accounts, simply go to the "Accounts" section in the app, select "Add Account," and follow the secure authentication process. PuuGi supports most major banks and credit cards, making it easy to integrate your financial data.
Is PuuGi secure to use with my financial information?
Can I set multiple savings goals?
How do real-time budget alerts work?
Can I use PuuGi with multiple accounts and credit cards?
What insights does PuuGi provide about my spending?
Is there a free version of PuuGi?
How do automated savings work?
How do I link my bank accounts to PuuGi?
To link your bank accounts, simply go to the "Accounts" section in the app, select "Add Account," and follow the secure authentication process. PuuGi supports most major banks and credit cards, making it easy to integrate your financial data.
Is PuuGi secure to use with my financial information?
Can I set multiple savings goals?
How do real-time budget alerts work?
Can I use PuuGi with multiple accounts and credit cards?
What insights does PuuGi provide about my spending?
Is there a free version of PuuGi?
How do automated savings work?
Got any specific questions?
Got any specific questions?
Contact Us
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Manage your finances with the PuuGi mobile app. Download it today for easy expense tracking and customized alerts.

Download Mobile App
Manage your finances with the PuuGi mobile app. Download it today for easy expense tracking and customized alerts.

Download Mobile App
Manage your finances with the PuuGi mobile app. Download it today for easy expense tracking and customized alerts.
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